Monday, May 14, 2012

Test Knit

I have certainly been knitting more than I've been writing recently, much to the chagrin of at least one of my blog followers.  (Okay, so probably just that one, but who am I to deprive her of my attempts at wit?)

I've finished quite a few pairs of socks since my last blog post.  One that I'm particularly proud of are my Gale Socks.  These are the second test knit I've done for a designer who is working on a series of Hunger Games based sock patterns.  The first was Peeta, whose single completed sock is currently languishing in my "hibernating" pile until I get the time and motivation to replicate it.  (Based on my list of socks-to-knit over the next couple of months, the chances of me having both the time and motivation to even cast on the second sock are looking pretty slim, but it will happen.  Someday.)

In any case, I guess I was a good enough test knitter (i.e. I found enough errors in the pattern) that she asked me to test another sock - the Gale socks.  I even had the perfect yarn in my stash - some Dream in Color Smooshy in a nice, stormy color called Dusky Aurora.

I also knit a very pretty pair of socks that have been in my queue for a while now.  They started out as a mystery sock but the mystery wasn't so mysterious since quite a few people have knit the pattern since it was first released.  And that's fine with me because I didn't want to waste my pretty Grant Creek Yarn on a sock that I wasn't sure I would like.  (But my OCD reasoning behind why mystery socks just aren't my thang can wait for another day.)

The pattern is Harold and Maude and the socks turned out lovely, albeit extremely tight.  In fact, they are the only pair of socks I've ever knit that are too narrow for my narrow feet.  But with a little wiggling, I can get them on, so I will wear them dammit!

 Oh, and there are more socks, oh loyal reader.  But it's late and I'm tired and I've miles to go before I sleep, so they will have to wait for another day.  Good night.

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